127 Hours

Also Starring The Rock

Recommend you catch this one on the big screen if you can, it’s the latest from Danny Boyle, and features a genuinely winning performance by James Franco in the lead. (He needs to be good, because his mush is in extreme close-up in almost every scene!)

If you already know this story, you could be forgiven for thinking that this movie could be as blunt as Aaron Ralston’s pocket knife, and play for the gross-out factor. However, ‘127 Hours’ is actually absorbing, warm and surprisingly uplifting, especially considering the subject matter.

There’s no doubt though, the film does trundle relentlessly towards that scene. I squirmed during it, no doubt, and I challenge anyone to sit still while it plays out! That aside though, Franco is great, the movie looks and sounds fantastic – like all Danny Boyle’s movies – and I’d heartily recommend it.

P.S. you’ve probably already seen ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ and ‘Trainspotting’ (you haven’t? shame on you!) but I’d also recommend Danny Boyle’s admirable stab at science-fiction: ‘Sunshine’

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