Fluent Java APIs II: The MockBuilder Pattern


  • In a TDD environment, the same coding standards should be enforced on Unit Test code as on application code. Often, however this isn’t the case! Remember: unit tests can contain technical debt too!
  • Mocking service calls with EasyMock involves repetitive code.
  • This repetitive code can be simplified, and rendered more fluent with the Builder pattern.

Benefits of a MockBuilder

  1.   Sharpened focus: unit tests becomes more focussed on the code under test , rather than code written to support or prepare the test.
  2. Cheaper to write more and more tests.

First Iteration: mocking a service call to the ClientService with EasyMock

Consider an example of a unit test where there is a call to the ClientService that we want to replace with a call to a Mock:

public void testLoadPresetFormWithClient() throws RemoteException {

    NewBusinessApplication nba = NewBusinessApplicationBuilder.create()


    Client stubbedClient = new Client();
    stubbedClient.setAddress(new Address());
    stubbedClient.getAddress().setLine1("Client Address 1");
    stubbedClient.getAddress().setLine2("Client Address 2");
    stubbedClient.getAddress().setLine3("Client Address 3");
    stubbedClient.getAddress().setLine4("Client Address 4");
    stubbedClient.getAddress().setLine5("Client Address 5");

    ClientService mockClientService = EasyMock.createMock(ClientService.class);


    EmployerCorrespondenceDetailsForm form = service.loadPresetForm(nba);



The vast majority of the code in this unit test is support code, written to mock the client service call, and ensure a stubbed client is used for the purposes of the test.

In fact , only the last three lines of this test method are actual test code, executing the method under test, and evaluating the results

Second Iteration: Create ClientServiceMockBuilder

All the semi-boilerplate EasyMock code related to mocking the client service is now moved to it’s own object, where the builder pattern is implemented:

public class ClientServiceMockBuilder {

    private ClientService mockClientService;

    public static ClientServiceMockBuilder create() {
        return new ClientServiceMockBuilder();

    public ClientService build() {
        return mockClientService;

    private ClientServiceMockBuilder() {
        mockClientService = EasyMock.createMock(ClientService.class);

    public ClientServiceMockBuilder withFindByClientNumberStubbedClient(){
        }   catch(RemoteException e){
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        return this;

    private Client createStubbedClient(){
        Client client = new Client();
        client.setAddress(new Address());
        client.getAddress().setLine1("Client Address 1");
        client.getAddress().setLine2("Client Address 2");
        client.getAddress().setLine3("Client Address 3");
        client.getAddress().setLine4("Client Address 4");
        client.getAddress().setLine5("Client Address 5");
        return client;


Revisiting the Unit Test, it is now a lot cleaner, and more readable. More to the point though, we are pointing the way to any unit test that needs to mock a call to the Client Service:

public void testLoadPresetForm_WithClient() throws RemoteException {

    NewBusinessApplication nba = NewBusinessApplicationBuilder.create()


    ClientService mockClientService = ClientServiceMockBuilder.create()


    EmployerCorrespondenceDetailsForm form = service.loadPresetForm(nba);



Third Iteration: Abstract out common MockBuilder behaviour

If your unit test code involves the use of many different mocked objects, you’ll be building a lot of MockBuilder objects to correspond with these. You’ll also quickly notice repetition of certain code, which can be abstracted to an abstract parent class called MockBuilder, as below:

public abstract class MockBuilder<T extends Object> {

    protected T mockedObject;

    public T build() {
        return mockedObject;


The updated ClientServiceMockBuilder now looks like this:

public class ClientServiceMockBuilder extends MockBuilder<ClientService> {

    public static ClientServiceMockBuilder create() {
        return new ClientServiceMockBuilder();

    private ClientServiceMockBuilder() {
        mockedObject = EasyMock.createMock(ClientService.class);

    public ClientServiceMockBuilder withFindByClientNumberStubbedClient(){
        }   catch(RemoteException e){
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        return this;

    private Client createStubbedClient(){
        Client client = new Client();
        client.setAddress(new Address());
        client.getAddress().setLine1("Client Address 1");
        client.getAddress().setLine2("Client Address 2");
        client.getAddress().setLine3("Client Address 3");
        client.getAddress().setLine4("Client Address 4");
        client.getAddress().setLine5("Client Address 5");
        return client;


And we can extend the MockBuilder again as required. For example, here’s another implementation, a Spring MVC BindingResultMockBuilder

public class BindingResultMockBuilder extends MockBuilder<BindingResult> {

    public BindingResultMockBuilder() {
        mockedObject = EasyMock.createMock(BindingResult.class);

    public static BindingResultMockBuilder create() {
        return new BindingResultMockBuilder();

    public BindingResultMockBuilder withErrors(boolean hasErrors) {
        return this;

    public BindingResultMockBuilder withAddAllErrors() {
        mockedObject.addAllErrors((Errors) EasyMock.anyObject());
        return this;

    public BindingResultMockBuilder withGetAllFieldErrors() {
        EasyMock.expect(mockedObject.getFieldErrors()).andReturn(new ArrayList<FieldError>()).anyTimes();
        return this;

    public BindingResultMockBuilder withRejectValue() {
        mockedObject.rejectValue((String) EasyMock.anyObject(), (String) EasyMock.anyObject());
        return this;


  1. The MockBuilder can be extended to create a new subclass for anything you need to mock.
  2. Large amounts of boilerplate code can be refactored into a simpler invocation of a Builder.
  3. Cleaner Unit Tests = Better Unit Tests.

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